What Does “Winning” for Accountants Mean in a Post-COVID World Exactly? - Clarity Practice Management
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What Does “Winning” for Accountants Mean in a Post-COVID World Exactly?

What Does “Winning” for Accountants Mean in a Post-COVID World Exactly?

Your “Relentless CPA” searched for an answer to this question for the last four months.  After a lot of thought and the occasional adult beverage, I believe “winning” in a post-COVID world means the following.

You have won if you find a business model that allows you to serve existing clients and attract new clients in the post-COVID world.

Last week our CTO, Peter Daniel, talked to a lady with a practice of mostly 70+ year-old clients.  She told Peter that her clients haven’t discovered e-mail yet – let alone portals.  She asked what Clarity Practice Management could do for her.

Absolutely nothing.  In a post-COVID world, her practice is literally dying.  She can neither serve her existing clients nor attract new clients in a world that eliminates most in-person interaction.

First, she can’t serve her existing clients as they won’t interact with the online systems necessary to function in a post-COVID world.

Second, she can’t attract new, younger clients, because they demand online interaction from professional service providers.  They use Amazon, Facebook, e-brokerage, and e-banking.  They want to work with an e-accountant.

Her business model is a COVID casualty.  In a couple years, her practice will die as her clients die.  She’s not able to replace them and will simply close when the revenue drys up and is no longer worth the effort and expense.

Winning in the post-COVID world requires a new e-business model for accountants that recognizes the inherent dangers of e-mail as a communications medium and the limitation of “dumb” portals.

Clarity Practice Management gives you that e-business model.  You’ll serve existing clients with an easy-to-use client-facing system that makes online collaboration with clients and staff effortless.

You’ll attract new, younger clients, who value your knowledge and service, but live their lives online.

Sign up for Clarity Practice Management at www.claritypracticemanagement/sign-up and win in the post-COVD world.

Thanks for reading!

Frank Stitely, CPA, CEO

Clarity Practice Management, LLC

“The Relentless CPA”

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